Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby, You Can Drive My Car

We've received the paperwork on the overly European car we'll be driving - a brand new Renault Clio Estate.  Diesel, 55 mpg, spacious trunk room, car seats and GPS.  For Romanians, it's advertised to have ample leg room.  Strangely, no reference to Americans.

So, why on earth would a family get a new car to drive around Europe?  Turns out, it's actually a very cheap way to travel.  Our dear friends in France have chosen to charge an astronomical tax on new cars.  Just like all good businesses, the car companies found a way around it.  By leasing a brand new car to silly Americans looking to get around Europe, they're able to avoid paying the tax and then able to sell a slightly used vehicle for a better price than if they had to pay the tax.  To make sure they get their investment back, the cars come fully insured and include roadside assistance (a good feature for silly Americans).  Merci, Renault!

Now, that's all well and good - but neither of us has actually driven on European roads before.  We think it's as simple as just driving fast and beeping often.  That's how Doug gets to work every morning, so how hard can it be??  Apparently, according to everyone who's done it that we talk's really hard.  But they also have a look of shock when we say we're taking two little kids with us.  Bravery and insanity often look the same, especially for pregnant women and exhausted husbands.

Eh, la conduite est facile!

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