Friday, June 17, 2011

Magical Mystery Tour

The Beatles got their start in Hamburg.  The Germans liked them because they played loud, were a break from the endless striptease show at the Indra Club and they had a funny name – Beatles sounds like Peedles.  The English equivalent would probably be weenie.

The Indra Club today
We had to stop by for a look.  The Indra Club is on the Reeperbahn, which is one of the seediest areas we’ve ever seen.  Homeless, drug addicts, prostitutes, strip clubs for every persuasion, and Hamburgers in funny jogging suits, it’s not really a place to stop and walk around with kids. 
Hamburger buns
There’s also one of the best Beatles museums in the world in Hamburg - supposedly better than the one in Liverpool, although we have yet to substantiate such claims.  The kids had a blast, and the only disappointment was not picking up that Hofner bass that was sitting out in the open waiting for someone to come along and snap a picture with it turned upside down…

Sgt Pepper was recorded on one of these
After a stop in Kellinghusen for some ancestry-tourism, we needed to find our way back to Bremerhaven.  The previous day we changed our GPS voice.  Bonnie just wasn’t cut out for this.  We found Ken, a nice Australian, who makes us feel like we’re being driven around by Peter Furler.  Apparently, it’s ok to drive the wrong way down a one-way street in Australia.

To be fair to Ken, there really wasn’t a way anyone from outside Hamburg would know what’s going on with their streets.  With traffic at a complete stop, our 2 hour drive was estimated to take 4.5 hours.  Ken had a plan B.  We took it.  Then, we’re meandering through a backwoods path that only serial killers would know how to navigate.
This was supposed to be faster
Next, turn left, turn right, turn left, go straight on, turn right…why is that car flashing its lights at us and coming straight for us!?

The streets are one way at certain times of day, but really aren’t clearly marked…it could be because the time of day changes based on what day of the week it is, and the lunar cycle.  It was a complete mystery how this worked.  Not once, but twice down the wrong way.

What is this saying!?
The detour to save us 2 hours took an hour to correct and get back to the highway where we ended up in the exact spot we started, right back in traffic.  Thanks, Ken – that was magic.

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