Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kiss my ash!

8 days until departure and there's a bit of a problem.  There's ash in the air thanks to volcano in Iceland.  Amazingly this is a different volcano than the one that went off last year which also wreaked havoc on European flights.  This is the Grimsvotn, not the Eyjafjallajokull.  There are 28 volcanoes on one little island.  The next one to go off could very well be Theistareykjarbunga.  I hate you, Theistareykjarbunga.  And all your little friends too.

Right now, flights are canceled to and from Scotland.  Last time I checked, Dublin wasn't that far away.

As Jimmy Buffett would say,

But I don't want to land in New York City,
I don't want to land in Mexico.
I don't want to land on no Three Mile Island;
I don't want to see my skin a-glow.

Don't want to land in Comanche Sky Park,
or in Nashville, Tennessee.
I don't want to land in no San Juan airport or
the Yukon Territory.

Don't want to land no San Diego.
Don't want to land in no Buzzards Bay.
I don't want to land on no Ayatolla.
I got nothin' more to say.

Just get us to Europe!  Oh, and get us home too...

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