Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Death Roller Coaster (because it feels like you’re going to die)

Guest post by John

When we first got to Legoland, it was hailing and raining and not very fun.  After the rain, I went on this big blue-tracked ride.  It was for racers.  I went on it with Mommy and I was so scared.  I thought that when I went down the big ramp, I was going to die.  It made me scream as loud as I can scream.  Then, at the very end, I said “That was awful, awful and awful!”  And Mommy said, “No that wasn’t, that was fun!”  I said, “I want to do it again.”  Then Mommy said, “Maybe you can do it with Daddy.” 

After that ride, we went to the aquarium.  After the aquarium, I rode on a big castle dragon ride that almost took you upside down.  It was so scary, and I screamed again.

Then we went to the Clutch Powers movie (neu!).  It was so fun!  It was in 4D, and I got so wet and ice fell on me!  But I didn’t get hurt.  The people were flying through the air - I thought I actually felt them.  But I didn’t really.

Next, we ate at the Dino Grill.  We saw a big, giant Lego dinosaur – his heart glows in the dark.  And he moved and was mad.  I got scared and I thought he was going to eat me (I’m just writing that in the post because it’s funny).  Inside the restaurant, we heard jungle noises, even a screaming monkey.  I laughed and laughed and laughed.

We went to the scenes from Star Wars built out of Legos and then we went to the Allianz Arena made out of Legos.  It glows red, blue and yellow and flashes from the Lego people’s cameras and it’s the biggest Lego building EVER – in the whole wide world.

We went on the fighting Dragon ride and a super-pedal, super-spinny imaginary thing ride.  That was so fun!  Then we went on a big tower that would take us up and spin us around and then put us down really soft like a teddy bear. 

After that, me and Daddy went on the blue racer ride.  He thought he was going to die too.

Next we went on the boats.  I steered first, and I wasn’t very good at it because I kept hitting the sides.  Mommy would say, “Straighten up!  Straighten up!”  Then Mommy took over when Daddy and Daniel passed us and she wasn’t very good at it either because she kept hitting the sides.  Me and Mommy rammed Daddy and Daniel’s boat.  Daddy said, “Hey!” 

Then Mommy and Daddy bought us some shirts and new Lego kits and we got to build a Lego Peter Pan, a Lego Mermaid with a pink magic wand, and a Lego weirdo with a scary face and girl parts – she’s mean.    

Last, we went on a Lego Safari.  We saw some monkeys.  There was a crocodile.  I said, “That crocodile won’t move.”  And then it came toward us and tried to eat us.  Daddy said, “Oh, it does move!” Then we saw a Black Mamba.  Then we saw some lions that roared at us, and an elephant with a trunk that sprayed water at us.  There was also a cheetah running across the road.

Outside we saw Legohenge – it was big red, blue and yellow Lego bricks.  I had so much fun having so much fun with my family – it made me feel very, very happy!

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