Monday, July 11, 2011

You're My Boy, Bleu!

When we leased our car from Renault, we needed to purchase booster seats for the boys because it’s not a traditional rental car.  They were $160 each.  We figured that we would donate them to a church who could then give them to a needy family, and that we would just sort it out on the trip.

Standing in line to go to Notre Dame, we met Doug and Vicky from Tennessee.  They were in Paris to sightsee and visit their friend, the pastor of the American Church in Paris.  This was just too easy.  We emailed him, and he was sure that someone could use it and emailed several members of the church who recently had children. 

Since we’re driving to Paris on Tuesday, we were running out of time to make arrangements and internet access has been spotty in the Black Forest.  Bleu emailed and said that he would love to take one of the seats for his 11 month old daughter who doesn’t have a car seat yet.  We gave directions to where we’ll be returning the car and asked him to meet us at 5 pm.  

He said, " I cannot justify going to to CDG at that time on a week-day. Sorry. The commute back to where I live would be another two hours and I'd need to leave work early to get there. All that said, the ends wouldn't justify the means."  Apparently Blue must make more than $80/hour for this to not make economic sense, which would explain why he hasn’t bought a car seat for an 11 month old child…or at least his Parisian point of view thinks this must be true.  Argh.  So much for a good deed.

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