Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ciao, bella - Eiffel for you

Daniel found out what it was like to be Sinatra in the 40s, Elvis in the 50s and the Beatles in the 60s.  Mobs of young Italian girls swooned for him at the base of the Eiffel Tower.  He was just innocently trying to eat his pizza, which may very well have been what lured them in.  And innocently means smiling and then being adorably cute while hiding his shy face behind the chair.  Irresistible.  They swarmed and literally could not keep their hands off him.

This scene was very similar to what it was like to get close to the Mona Lisa.  Actually, it was probably easier to get to the stage to see Elvis than it was to get close to the Mona Lisa.  I got pushed out of the way by a group of school kids.

Jess said that people pee in the streets in Paris.  We all laughed at how silly that is.  Paris, one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  So silly.  Then, we saw a man peeing in the corner against a stone wall that was at least 500 years old.  And on the way back to the hotel, it happened again in the train.  At first, we thought he can't be doing that...and then it came trickling back to us.  Yep, Paris smells like a toilet.  But, it is a very nice toilet.  One that keeps people coming back to use it again and again - probably because they serve really good bread.

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