Thursday, June 23, 2011

Who's That Knocking At the Door?

Wittenberg is about 2 hours drive outside of Berlin.  We almost didn't realize that, but an evening of browsing online last night led to an amazing day.  It's a good thing we planned so much of this ahead of time...

Our dear friend Rick Steves left this city out of his guide book completely.  Our ever-so helpful GPS, Ken, also had no idea what we were talking about until we realized that the city changed its name to Lutherstadt Wittenberg, and was quite particular that we got the name perfect.  Ken also didn't know that some of the roads were closed, which made the drive much longer.

A few historical things happened in Wittenberg.  It was part of East Germany after the war, and was under Soviet control.  It was spared bombing during World War II.  A great pizzeria was built there in the late 20th Century.  Oh yeah, and Martin Luther lived there and changed the world with a few nails and some writing.

Martin Luther's pulpit

His living room, where a few table talks were held

Luther's church
Where it all went down...right behind that plywood

Funny that they must not have known we were coming today, because construction covered the famous door where the 95 Theses were nailed.  Travel thousands of miles to see a little bit of history and we get that picture.  Now Daniel and John think that the Reformation started behind some tractors and construction fence.

Fist bump with my man Marty
There weren't even any Sin Boldly T-Shirts or Martin Luther Bobble Heads in the gift shop.

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